1. 2013.09-2018.12 同济大学 博士
2. 2016.12-2018.06 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 联合培养博士
3. 2009.09-2013.06 中南大学 学士
2019.01-至今 广州大学 教学科研型专任教师
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,裂缝对胶合木螺栓节点和支撑框架抗侧力性能的影响机理研究,主持
2. 市校联合项目,新型速生材重组木框架结构的性能优化方法和抗震可靠度研究,主持。
3. 广州市科技计划项目,速生材重组木自复位预应力梁柱节点的受力机理研究,主持。
4. 人才培育项目,新型绿色胶合木摩擦耗能节点的受力机理及其结构抗震性能研究,主持。
5. 校企合作科研项目,新农居建筑新型外围护墙板的研发,主持。
6. 市校联合项目,建筑膜结构在随机冲击荷载作用下的动力可靠度研究,参与(排名第四)。
1. 大学生创新创业训练计划,国家级立项,202111078044,摩擦耗能装置加固带裂缝胶合木螺栓节点抗震性能研究,2021.06-2023.06,结题,独立指导
2. 大学生创新创业训练计划,省级立项,摩擦耗能木质隅撑加强胶合木梁柱螺栓节点的力学性能研究,S202311078124,2023.06-2025.06,进行中,独立指导
3. 2020.12 ,指导学生参加第五届全国高等学校木结构设计邀请赛荣获二等奖
4. 2020.12 ,指导学生参加第五届全国高等学校木结构设计邀请赛荣获三等奖
5. 2021.09 ,指导学生参加第十四届全国大学生结构设计竞赛广东省分区赛荣获三等奖
6. 2023.06,指导学生参加第十六届全国大学生结构设计竞赛广东省分区赛荣获三等奖
1. 第一或通讯作者SCI论文:
[1] Zhang J, Liu DY, Liu ZF, Mo LC, Xiang XM, Wang Y. Rotational behavior of bolted post-to-beam glulam connections with friction damped knee brace [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 76: 107215.(JCR Q1, 一作)
[2] Zhang J, Liu ZF, Peng WX, Zhang JZ, Xiang XM.Numerical analysis on the lateral resistance and reinforcement of bolted glulam post and beam structures with local cracks [J]. Structures, 2023, 58: 105410.(JCR Q2, 一作)
[3] Zhang J, Yi J. Selecting Ground Motions for Flexible Structures Based on Multiple Conditional Mean Spectra: A Case Study on Cable-Stayed Bridges [J]. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 27(12): 3413-3434.(JCR Q2, 本人一作)
[4] Zhang J, Jiang J, Xu Y, Zhang ML, Mo LC, Zhang LC. Cyclic behavior and reinforcement of moment-resisting bolted glulam joints with cracks [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 45: 103525.(JCR Q1, 一作)
[5] Zhang J, Yi J, Xu Y, Zhang ML. Cyclic response of moment-resisting glulam hybrid joints with bolts and side steel plates [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 51: 104310.(JCR Q1, 一作)
[6] Zhang JZ, He YH, Zhang WJ, Li GQ, Zhang J(*), Yu ZW. W.Determination of critical collapse resistance of steel framed-structure: Fast manual calculation [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 82: 108179.(JCR Q1, 通讯作者)
[7] Xiang XM, Shao DH, Zhang X, Sharif U, Ha NS, Li X, Zhang J(*), Yi J. Sandwich structures with tapered tubes as core: A quasi-static investigation [J]. Defence Technology, 2024, 33: 447-462.(JCR Q1, 通讯作者)
[8] Zhang J, Xu Y, Zhang ML, Lv WL. Flexural performance of RC T-beams strengthened with external double steel channel [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 42: 102453.(JCR Q1, 一作)
[9] Zhang J, Liu ZF, Xu Y, Zhang ML, Mo LC. Cyclic Behavior and Modeling of Bolted Glulam Joint with Cracks Loaded Parallel to Grain [J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, 6612886, 1-16.(JCR Q3, 一作)
[10] Xiang XM, Xiao CK, Lu GX, Xie YM, Yang HY, Zhang J(*), Ha NS. Novel interaction effects enhance specific energy absorption in foam-filled CFRP tapered tubes [J]. Composite Structures, 2024, 343: 118288.(JCR Q1, 通讯作者)
[11] Liu DY, Zhao L, Shen XD, Kitipornchai S, Zhang J(*). Tunable Buckling and Free Vibration of Axially Functionally Graded Graphene Origami-Enabled Auxetic Metamaterial Beams[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219455425501640.(JCR Q2, 通讯作者)
[12] Zhang J, He MJ, Li Z. Mechanical performance assessment of bolted glulam joints with local cracks [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30(6): 04018094. (JCR Q2, 一作)
[13] Zhang J, He MJ, Li Z. Numerical analysis on tensile performance of bolted glulam joints with initial local cracks [J]. Journal of wood science, 2018, 64: 364-376.(JCR Q2, 一作)
[1] He MJ, Zhang J, Li Z. Influence of cracks on the mechanical performance of dowel type glulam bolted joints [J]. Construction and building materials, 2017, 153, 445-458.(JCR Q1,二作)
[2] He MJ, Zhang J, Li Z, Li ML.Production and mechanical performance of scrimber composite manufactured from fast growing wood for structural applications [J]. Journal of wood science, 2016, 62(5), 429-440.(JCR Q2,二作)
[3] Zhang J, He MJ, Li Z. Compressive behavior of glulam columns with initial cracks under eccentric loads [J]. International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, 2018, 10: 111-119. (EI论文,一作)
[4] Zhang J, He MJ, Li Z. Numerical analysis of moment-resisting bolted glulam joints with initial cracks [C]. WCTE 2018 – World Conference on Timber Engineering, 2018, Korea.(EI论文,一作)
担任广东省建设工程绿色与装配式发展协会装配式建筑专家库入库专家,担任《Engineering Structures》、《Materials and Structures》、《Structures》及《Journal of Building Engineering》等学术期刊审稿人。