易江,男,湖北恩施人。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、广东省教育厅、广州市科技厅和广州市教育厅等纵向项目4项;主持单轨桥梁软件开发项目1项,作为核心人员参与多个桥梁抗震项目、变电站地震易损性分析项目等横向课题多项。发表SCI/EI期刊论文20余篇,核心成果发表在Engineering Structures,Journal of Earthquake Engineering,Journal of Bridge Engineering,中国公路学报,工程力学等国内外权威期刊,担任多个期刊的审稿人。
2018.06-2019.06,助理研究员,香港大学,土木工程系,桥梁工程方向,导师:F.T.K. Au
2013 09– 2018.03,博士,同济大学,土木工程专业,桥梁抗震方向,导师:李建中
2009.09 – 2013.07,学士,同济大学,土木工程专业,桥梁工程方向
[1] Zhang, Jing;Yi, Jiang*; Xu, Yong; Zhang, Maili; Cyclic response of moment-resisting glulam hybrid joints with bolts and side steel plates, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 51: 104310. (SCI, Q1区)
[2] Jiang Yi; De’En Yu; Junyong Zhou; Seismic control of cable-stayed bridges with bearing uplift using tie-down rope-spring device, Journal of Earthquake Engineering,2021,0(0).(SCI, Q1区)
[3] Jiang Yi; Jianzhong Li; Hing-Ho Tsang; Tie-down cable-spring restrainers for seismic protection of isolated bridges, Structures, 2021, 33: 4371-4384.(SCI, Q2区)
[4] Jiang Yi; Jianzhong Li; Modelling of stay cables with large earthquake-induced force variations in cable-stayed bridges, Structures, 2021, 33(10): 627-636. (SCI, Q2区)
[5] Cao, Sasa;Yi, Jiang*; Shape memory alloy-spring damper for seismic control and its application to bridge with laminated rubber bearings, Advances in Structural Engineering,2021,13694332211033955 (SCI, Q3区)
[6] Yi, Jiang; Yu, De’en; Longitudinal damage of cable-stayed bridges subjected to near-fault ground motion pulses. Advance in Bridge Engineering, 12.
[7] Yi, Jiang; Zhou, Junyong; Ye, Xijun*; Seismic evaluation of cable-stayed bridges considering bearing uplift, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 133(0): 106102.(SCI, Q2区)
[8] Yi, Jiang; Zhou, Junyong; Ye, Xijun; Seismic Control of Cable-stayed Bridge Using Negative Stiffness Device and Fluid Viscous Damper under Near-field Ground Motions, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2020, (2): 1-18.(SCI, Q1区)
[9] Yi, Jiang; Lam, Nelson; Tsang, Hingho; Au, Francis Tk; Selection of earthquake ground motion accelerograms for structural design in Hong Kong, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2020, 23(10): 2044-2056. (SCI, Q3区)
[10] Zhou, Junyong*; Chen, Zhixing; Yi, Jiang; Ma, Haiying; Investigation of multi-lane factor models for bridge traffic load effects using multiple lane traffic data, Structures, 2020, 24: 444-455. (SCI, Q2区)
[11] Zhou, Junyong*; Liu, Yuanyuan; Yi, Jiang; Effect of uneven multilane truck loading of multigirder bridges on component reliability, Structural Concrete, 2020, 21(4): 1644-1661. (SCI, Q2区)
[12] Yi, Jiang; Li, Jianzhong*; Experimental and numerical study on seismic response of inclined tower legs of cable-stayed bridges during earthquakes, Engineering Structures, 2019, 183(12): 180-194.(SCI, Q1区)
[13] Yi, Jiang; Yang, Huaiyu; Li, Jianzhong*; Experimental and numerical study on isolated simply-supported bridges subjected to a fault rupture, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 127: 105819. (SCI, Q2区)
[14] Yi, Jiang; Li, Jianzhong*; Effect of Seismic-Induced Bearing Uplift of a Cable-Stayed Bridge, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2019, 24(3): 04018125.(SCI, Q2区)
[15] Yi, Jiang; Li, Jianzhong; Zhongguo Guan; Shake Table Studies on Viscous Dampers in Seismic Control of a Single-Tower Cable-Stayed Bridge Model under Near-Field Ground Motions, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2018, 12(05): 1850011. (SCI, Q4区)
[16] Yi, Jiang; Li, Jianzhong*; Longitudinal Seismic Behavior of a Single-Tower Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected to Near-Field Earthquakes, Shock and Vibration, 2017, 2017: 1675982.(SCI, Q2区)
[17] 易江;莫金生;李建中;强震作用下独塔斜拉桥拉索松弛现象研究,工程力学, 2018, 35(06): 97-104+114. (EI论文)
[18] 易江;李建中;地震中斜拉桥支座脱空现象及控制方法研究,中国公路学报, 2017, 30(12): 110-118+138. (EI论文)
[19] 李永兴;易江;李建中;地震作用下辅助墩对斜拉桥支座脱空的影响,振动与冲击, 2019, 38(15): 95-102+108. (EI论文)
[20] 易江; 孙平宽;李建中;斜拉桥横向减震振动台试验,振动与冲击, 2018, 37(03): 47-53. (EI论文)
[21] 易江;刘闯;李建中;地震频谱特性对独塔斜拉桥纵向地震响应影响,同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(08): 1114-1122.(EI论文)
AU FTK, Ting Huang,Yi Jiang, et. al, Design and assessment of bridges in regions of low to moderate seismicity–the Hong Kong context,CIC report, 2020.